Match Me – History

a Project H Design initiative Facebook Twitter Flickr A multi-team head-to-head competition to find the right tire! Age group: K-8 Number of students recommended: 25 Subjects/skills learned: Historical dates, people, events, etc. Object of the game: The team that has all members seated on tires first wins. Setup: On each of the tires, use chalk to write a word … Read more

Match Me – Geography

a Project H Design initiative Facebook Twitter Flickr A multi-team head-to-head competition to find the right tire! Age group: K-8 Number of students recommended: 25 Subjects/skills learned: Capitals, states, countries, regions, cities, etc Object of the game: The team that has all members seated on tires first wins. Setup: On each of the tires, use chalk to write a word … Read more

Match Me – Foreign Language

a Project H Design initiative Facebook Twitter Flickr A multi-team head-to-head competition to find the right tire! Age group: K-8 Number of students recommended: 25 Subjects/skills learned: Vocabulary, grammar, verb conjugations, etc. Object of the game: The team that has all members seated on tires first wins. Setup: On each of the tires, use chalk to write a word or … Read more

Jeopardy – Math

a Project H Design initiative Facebook Twitter Flickr A trivia-based inspired by the game show, with increasing levels of difficulty Age group: Grades 2-8 Number of students recommended: 20 Subjects/skills learned: Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division Object of the game: The team with the most cumulative points at the end of the games wins. Setup: On each tire in the first … Read more

Mad Libs

a Project H Design initiative Facebook Twitter Flickr Create a story as a class while learning language basics Age group: Grades K-5 Number of students recommended: 20 Subjects/skills learned: Vocabulary, grammar, spelling Object of the game: To create a story by selecting words by part of speech. Setup: As the teacher, write a short story with twenty-five blank spaces to … Read more

King of the Tire

** Tip: While King of the Tire was originally designed for spelling, it can also be adapted for elementary math by simply asking students equations, for example, 4×4, instead of spelling a word. Created by: Project H volunteer designers, in collaboration with educators in and around the San Francisco Bay Area Last one standing is the … Read more

Human Geometric Figures

a Project H Design initiative Facebook Twitter Flickr Created by: Samantha Galvez, Escuela Isaac Alvarado, Monterrey, Mexico Age group: Ages 8-12 (Grades 4-8) Number of students recommended: 16 (ideal) Subjects/skills learned: Geometry Object of the game: The team that earns the most points (by forming geometric shapes) wins. Setup: Divide the group in 2 teams. A stopwatch or chronometer is required. No … Read more


a Project H Design initiative Facebook Twitter Flickr ** Tip: Password! is a great game for History, Social Studies, Math, Vocabulary, and Science. The example included is for history, but the game can easily be adapted by simply changing the content of the written “passwords.” Created by: Project H volunteer designers, in collaboration with educators in … Read more

Guess Who?

a Project H Design initiative Facebook Twitter Flickr Created by: Alfonso Díaz & Lorena Félix Age group: 3-8 (varies according to difficulty of questions) Number of students recommended: 25 students (ideally 5 teams of 5, one team per row of tires, though other numbers can work) Subjects/skills learned: Contemporary art, fine art, art history Object of the game: Guess the … Read more